

Thank you for our session yesterday.  I want to say how much I appreciated your advice.

I know we went around in circles and you had a hard time getting through to me, but the result was excellent.

You clarified a very complex subject and I now know where I should be going in relation to our children and their futures.

So thank you Mike, — your many years of experience pays off.

25 September 2020

Dear Mike and Kelly,

I wanted to let you know how valuable having an Advance Health Directive has been for my husband Chris and I. 

In early 2013, Chris began experiencing excruciating pain in his right ear.  After several months and many doctors this was eventually diagnosed as otic variant glossopharyngeal neuralgia.  In other words, a blood vessel had wrapped itself around his 9th cranial nerve and was compressing it, causing the overwhelming pain.    

Chris  eventually ended up with nine specialist doctors, five allied health personnel and community care support. He was hospitalized nearly 50 times in a four year period and that included three craniotomy operations. He needed the strongest narcotic pain relief available and adjunct pain management strategies such as electronic nerve stimulators implanted in his brain.   Despite all of this he still had pain and developed a range of additional health problems as a result of the narcotics.

The third craniotomy Chris had was to surgically cut through his ninth cranial nerve so it could not deliver pain messages to his brain.  This worked, but unfortunately Chris lost the ability to swallow in the process and had his tenth cranial nerve permanently damaged.  He swapped one version of living hell for another.  A week after his surgery Chris suffered a respiratory arrest, was returned to ICU and placed on a ventilator.  It transpired that his ability to swallow had been overestimated and the fluids he had been given to drink had gone into his lungs, not his stomach.  He was given an emergency bronchial lavage (airway washout) but the damage was done.  He left hospital without his original nerve pain but with new nerve pain,  a very limited ability to swallow, permanent damage to his lungs and extensive damage to his brain and body from the lack of oxygen that occurred during the respiratory arrest.  Both the quality and quantity of his life had been dramatically reduced.  I had to leave work to become his full time carer.

Only two of Chris’s doctors, and not the primary ones, mentioned the chance that his life span might be shortened.  Chris had also noticed that when being admitted to hospital, he was being asked if he had documentation such as an advance health directive.  He decided he wanted to pursue this further and was strongly encouraged to do this by our daughter.  You helped him to create an Advanced Health Directive that included him expressing his wish not to receive life sustaining treatment in the future. 

Chris discovered that producing the AHD on admission to hospital usually created an opportunity to talk further about his challenges and how he wanted to deal with them.   He then felt more relaxed that his wishes were being heard and respected.   It also prompted many conversations between the two of us about how and when his death might occur and how I would deal with it.  Again, this allowed Chris to express his wishes and be reassured they had been heard and would be respected to the best of my ability.   

Chris had become terrified of being admitted to hospital and refused to go on many occasions.  His GP explained to him that this may lead to his death and Chris responded that he wasn’t worried about that.  He wanted to die at home, with me at his side and if that was sooner rather than later, that was fine by him.  The GP explained that it would be important to regularly review his wishes at subsequent GP visits.  This was something we had not realized was required.   Chris and his GP went on to have several conversations about his status and ongoing wishes.

Finally, five months ago, I woke to discover Chris was unconscious and not breathing.  Despite all our planning and preparation, I was in shock and very worried.  I knew his AHD would be respected in a hospital but I didn’t know what would happen if he died at home.  I was the sole beneficiary of his will and thought someone in authority might question me not providing CPR.  I hadn’t worked out who to ask about this and it was now too late to find out.  I phoned the ambulance service who predictably talked me through CPR and the use of our home defibrillator.  The defibrillator advised that no shock was advised and this reassured me that Chris’s heart had stopped.  Just as the ambulance crew arrived I explained to the call centre operator on the phone that Chris had not wanted CPR and had an AHD.  She told me to show it to the ambulance crew. 

While they began working on Chris, I went to retrieve the AHD from his home medical file and then showed it to the crew.  They immediately stopped active resuscitation treatment,  made Chris comfortable and let him rest in peace.   One of the ambulance crew then phoned the GP who confirmed he had discussed the AHD contents with Chris and I and was happy to write the death certificate. This meant that a coroner was not required and Chris could stay at home until the undertakers arrived.  I was able  to talk to him while providing the final acts of caring for him such as washing his face and kissing him goodbye in a calm, quiet  and most importantly, home environment.  

My only regret was that I didn’t tell the call centre operator for the ambulance service about the AHD when I first called them.  I think then that I might not have been instructed to commence CPR.  I did apologize to Chris for doing it at the time but knew he would understand. 

Although I always believed AHDs were important, I hadn’t realized just how much until faced with the experiences of using one.    I will therefore be completing mine very shortly. 

Jenny Drew

15 January 2019

I was overwhelmed by the amount and complexity of information available regarding Special Disability Trusts. There were very few people who really understood our life circumstance and who had the skills and knowledge to create a will that would enable my son to continue to lead the life he wanted when I was gone.

For a few years it was just too difficult to tackle the proposition of creating a will (though I knew it had to be done)….when I met with Mike from the Corporate Will Company I felt a great sense of relief, Mike took the time to understand our circumstance and the legacy I wanted to create. Mike demystified “trusts” and with the experienced and expert lawyer Richard Staynor a will was created that captured the essence of the life I wanted to enable for my son

Allison Burnett
24 July 2016

I met with Michael re our Estate Planning and he has been such a pleasure to deal with. We are currently part-way through the process. Thank you for the recommendation.

Joanne & Campbell Waterman
January 2017

Dear Michael,

Thank you so much for helping me set up my Will. As a mum of a child with special needs I was constantly worried about how to look after his needs when I’m dead.

I had no idea what Wills could b set out especially to protect the disabled.

At first it looked very complicated and daunting to me but you took so much time and patience explaining each and every step in terms that I could understand.

I was under huge amounts of stress at home and wanted to best Will for my son and at times I was a bit forward and you were still so lovely.

Even though I still worry about what will happen to my son when I die, as every parent does I can rest a bit easier now knowing that you have helped me do my very best for him.

Kerry Naso
08 December 2016

Immediately upon diagnosis, I filed the claim for the trauma insurance and it was paid before the date of the surgery. I went into the surgery and chemotherapy phase with a significant payment deposited in the bank. It was a great relief not to have to worry about providing for my family during the period that I was unable to work. This helped me in concentrating on my recovery.

Thinking back over the experience, I am very pleased that I had the trauma insurance. The claim process was relatively straightforward and quite quick. The payment was made into our bank ahead of treatment starting. I have since recommended trauma insurance to a number of my friends.

Doug Hodson
23 June 2009

Thanks so much for making the time to come over and speak with Marc and I last night… It was a win for everyone and much relief on my part I might add! You did a wonderful job of explaining everything very clearly to Marc – something I could never have managed.

I really appreciate all your advice as well as the time and effort you have put into arranging everything for us. The future is now looking much improved!

Anthea Lema
30 April 2009

The professionalism and thoughtfulness of your team has contributed significantly to my peace of mind, financial stability and, ultimately, my capacity to recover and rest without the burden of money worries. This is what insurance is all about.

Robert Broadfield
21 February 2005

Mike’s advice was put to the test when Tony had a heart attack at 47 years of age. Our trauma policy kept the business running while Tony was recuperating and allowed him the freedom to recover without financial worry.

Tony & Toni Circosta
17 February 2005

Michael set me on a gradual course of making insurance matters a vital part of my personal and business life. It has enabled me to manage my current critical health issues, ensure my ability to support myself financially on an ongoing basis and to maintain my business which I started in 1985.

I can now manage my health issues, enjoy business in a limited roll and retain my assets.

Owen Walsh
7 September 2005

We would like to share with you some of our thoughts and reasons for committing to this.

We did not find this a sombre or negative experience. In fact just the opposite. A very satisfying feeling from the moment we made the first appointment with you. Also you were initially able to give us some valuable advice and things to consider.

We knew this was going to ultimately benefit not only Sarah but our family friends plus the support network that has been built around Sarah and even the Government!… By having a good Will and future planning in place we feel Sarah should have an uninterrupted routine and maintain the same quality of life. It will also mean we will have the last say even when we are gone.

We believe we are not dealing just with something that is valuable, but something that is priceless.

Joe & Carol Molloy
26 May 2016